
Monday, February 15, 2010

Icky Sicky

Dinner tonight included one of my favorite things to eat. We had some leftover roast from our Sabbath meal, (which we got to share with some very dear friends!) So I cubed it and let it warm in a sauce pan. I had popped 2 potatoes into the microwave to bake. (How else do you bake a potato?) I cubed those as well and threw them in with the meat. Then I took some red chili that I had made earlier in the week for Huevos Rancheros, and poured it on top. I let it simmer then served it up on a flour tortilla with some cheese and chopped onion. Matt had sour cream on his. Remind me to tell you sometime about my husband's unnatural obsession with sour cream. It's a sickness.

Speaking of sickness, I have just completed a marathon week with a sick baby. Oh how I dislike those days. I have such a hard time watching my sick baby struggle. They just don't know what's wrong and get very cranky about it. Now I realize that my son was very mildly sick compared to what some babies have to suffer. I am extremely thankful that my son's illness was temporary. But the scary thing for me is always wondering how bad it's going to get. I have had a child in the hospital with lung issues. It is so scary to be out of control of what happens to your baby.

I have experienced the healing power of my Savior. In my own life, and in the life of my child. Let me tell you, it is a real thing! So naturally, every time my children get sick, I pray for their healing. This past week, I spent hours asking God to heal my son. I just knew that the next time he woke up, he would be his normal non-sick self. It didn't happen. And in the middle of the night, when my sweet little baby was wheezing and coughing and crying, I was asking my God, "Why won't you heal him?" I felt abandoned in my sadness and exhaustion.

In the days after Levi got better, I felt relief. I was so happy to have my sweet smiley baby back. And suddenly, our everyday existence seemed, well, easier. He wasn't crying all day or coughing and struggling. I was actually able to sleep in my own bed, no longer afraid I wouldn't hear his cries. And then it hit me, sometimes God has to show us what our reality could be, to make us appreciate what our reality is. In my reality, I am incredibly blessed with typically healthy children and a very worry-free life. But there are times that I let myself become disenchanted. I complain about being bored or overwhelmed with my daily tasks. I believe that there are times that God needs to reset my perspective. I need that spiritual slap in the face.

I pray for my brothers and sisters who have real struggle everyday. I pray for the Burns and baby Sarai, I pray for Jeffery and Noelle, I pray for Janet Brown's family, I pray for the mamas sitting in the hospital rooms with sick ones. I pray for those who have lost things they can never get back. Adonai, your ways are not are ways, but though you slay me, I will hope in you. Let us be blessed by your grace and mercy.

Love you all. Be blessed today. -chelle

1 comment:

  1. This is a lesson that I, too, struggle with. We are truly blessed, but yet it is so easy to complain about the smallest things. Thanks for the reminder! Btw, that dinner sounds yummy! May have to try that one.


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