
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's to the beach we go!

This is the kid part of the crew we took to the beach.

This is most of what we saw of that kid-crew.

This is my part of the crew. And no, Zaddok cannot take a normal picture.

This is...why hello there handsome.

This is a tight pair!

This is Emmy or Emma Grace or Gracie and this is not her first rodeo. She celebrated her 1st birthday at the beach last year!

This is the sand castle building crew.

This is my sweet little fat baby trying his darnedest to walk in the sand.

This is his Daddy and Grandmolly helping him.

This is called teamwork.

This is my handsome silly Zad-poo

This is my "I should have been born at the beach" Jolie-girl.

This is trouble.

This is Zad coming face to face with the thing that I was afraid might eat me if I went too far out in the water. (I'm not really beach material)

And this is what must happen at least once on a Mullins family vacation. My poor little sick and throwing up baby; the aftermath.


  1. What a great time for the kids! I know traveling is hard with little ones, but the photos tell it all...Great times.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time! And I love the new blog title pic-very creative (=


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!