
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving with family

We were fortunate to get to spend the holiday with my family in New Mexico.  It was a fun weekend with lots of action.  We had good food with good company.  It was just as Thanksgiving should be.  Here are the pics. 

Kid's table!  Always the most fun.
The adult-children's table

The actual adult's table

My beautiful sister.  I'm sorry that I used to sit on you and blow in your face.  You did not deserve that.  Well, you sometimes did.  But I am still sorry.   

She is such a little mama.  I love that about her. 

Liv baby with her daddy. 

Ava, you have a little something in your teeth. 

I was trying to get a good pic of all of the cousins but 2 of my boys would not cooperate.  One is not pictured.  One is on the left. 

I just loved this one.

Sweet girls.

This sums up his attitude the whole weekend.  Homeboy did not sleep, at all.  He was CRANKY!

It's The Face!

I love cousins.  There is something so special about that relationship.  I miss having Thanksgiving with mine.  The cheeseballs, playing backgammon, watching movies, starting a band, staying up all night talking and laughing, and just enjoying each other.  Man, where does time go?

We give thanks for the blessings you have allowed us.  You are a good Daddy and you love to give good gifts to your children.  Thank you that you have given me these precious people to share life with. 


  1. Haha, I love the "actual adult table"! And the sit on your sister part cracked me up! Looks like you all had a wonderful time, love the pictures!

  2. I agree with Jeana, I loved the actual adult table too! And I think you and my brother might have got along when you we're little-he used to follow me around with his finger about an inch from me and say "Don't touch me or I'm going to hit you"-lol! Good times!

  3. Love the pictures! Especially the green teeth!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!