
Monday, March 7, 2011

Bring on the boredom!

I am sorry.  But I must bore you again this year.  I cannot begin my planting without taking pictures of dirt and sharing them with you.  So hang in there.  The green will be coming soon!

It's dirt.  That is all at this point.  Just dirt.
Okay so maybe it's a special organic seeding dirt made moist by a rooting hormone/vitamin solution and labeled with plastic knives marked with a Sharpie.  Nothing crazy.
This is what I am planting in the pots.  Tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.  These must be started indoors.
These are my remaining seeds that can be direct sown once the soil is consistently warm. 
  I had trouble watering my seedlings last year.  The spray bottle took too long and pouring water from a cup would spill over the edge and displace the dirt.  So I bought these plastic ketchup and mustard bottles for about 99 cents.  They allow enough water out to be practical but not too much to make a mess.  So nice!
I am so proud.  I kept two geraniums alive all winter long in my sun room.  They are starting to green up and flower again!  Two plants I do not have to buy for the porch this spring!
This is an experiment.  I want to grow sweet potatoes.  This is the way you get slips.  Or so I'm told.  I'll let you know how it goes.  No roots yet.
Our chickens are producing well.  4 chickens=4 eggs a day!
I'm not sure what happened here.  I think someone just blew his mind.
Awww.  I love the way things grow around here.


  1. ilove it,,, came to visit ,, though we have never met in person,, here i am ,enjoyed my visit ,,, much love give matt a hug as well as you and the kids xxxooo

  2. i'm really trying to do this...we shall see. love you boring garden posts!! ;)

  3. Your "boring" garden post had me all ears-or eyes. Looks like your off to a great start. I wish wish it was time here....patience, patience I tell myself. Gonna have to try out the ketchup/mustard bottle idea. I have had similar probs getting those little guys watered.

  4. I knew I could count on my fellow garden nerds! I love you girls!

    Vera, I am so glad you found me! It's part of why I blog, to share our lives with our family that lives far away. I told hugged Matt for you and he wanted me to tell you hello. I pray blessing on you!

  5. Grow little seedlings,Grow!
    Love the pic with your boys "mind blown"
    Made me smile!

  6. As I'm far, far too lazy to do it myself I enjoy I can plant vicariously through you!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!