
Friday, April 22, 2011

Tis the season!

Passover season that is.  We are in the midst of the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. (Click for a great website with info on both.  Thanks Michelle!)  I love this season.  It is sweet to be able to celebrate the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus) with God's Feasts.  No, we are not Jewish. (But we do cherish the Jewish people and have looked to their example of how to honor the Feasts.  They've been doing it a LONG time!)  No, we aren't members of a weird underground church. (Although we are a bit weird.)  And no, we do not honor these Feasts because we think it will gain us salvation.  These are all things we have been asked so I wanted to preempt any questions.

We have simply taken God at His word.  Genesis through Revelation.  Old and New.  There are the times He has set apart for us to honor Him and His plan.  We are blessed to be a part of The Vine, though we be wild!

“But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry… But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you.”

– Romans 11:13, 17, 18, NASB

So, I wanted to share some of our pictures from this year's Pesach Seder or Passover Service.  I welcome any questions.  I know this is a different way for a Christan to celebrate the Resurrection season or Easter.  But we prefer glorifying Jesus through Feasts to the tradition of  bunnies and eggs!  I know, I know.  Bunnies and eggs are fun.  I'm not saying everyone has to follow our lead.  For us, letting go of old traditions to embrace God's traditions, has been a blessing. 

 I do struggle with one thing though.  Easter candy.  I am not really even a candy person.  But give me a Reese's Egg or a box of Peeps and I'm a happy girl.  What is it with Peeps?  They have some strange hold on me.  I don't even really like the way they taste but I will eat the whole box.  Don't even get me started on Cadbury Caramel Eggs.  YUM!

Anyway, however you are celebrating this year, I pray that the sacrifice that was made on the cross would become very real to you.  I pray that you would remember that gift and accept that He loved you enough to suffer the Cross.  I pray that we all take time to examine ourselves and how we respond to His gift, that we would show that sacrificial love to everyone we come in contact with.  I pray that we all give Yeshua Jesus glory and honor and praise, not just in this season but everyday.

We were so thankful to Ann Kitten and Casey Kelley for taking on the enormous task of putting together a Passover Seder for 100 people .  They made it so beautiful and special and they worked their tails off!

Our fearless leader Roman!  He really made the evening a special time to worship our Savior.

The Passover table.

Prophet Elijah's seat.

Did I mention that about 30 people from our group provided more food than 100 people could eat?  It was amazing and delicious!

Roman being a servant in the example of Yeshua Jesus.  The washing of the feet is always a very sweet time.

Asher eating the maror or horseradish. 

We were able to have worship woven into our Seder this year.  It really added to the spirit of the evening.

Jolie was able to keep up with the service this year.  She really understood what was going on.

Zaddok and Judah got to check the door to see if the prophet Elijah was joining us this year.  They came back to report that he, in fact, was not there.  Maybe next year.  Or, next year in Jerusalem! 


  1. I LOVE Cadbury eggs!
    They are so sinfully divine.
    Easter is one of my favoritest holidays as well.
    Happy Easter to you and your family:)

  2. I am loving this way of celebration. Is this at your church? I long to learn and do. We (obviously) have nothing like this.

  3. Oh and coffee! Yes please!!

  4. Jeana, this is at the community center in Canyon. Our group meets at a small building in Canyon. I wish I would have thought to invite you guys. It was open to anyone. Our group is less than 30 people but we had 99 there that night form all different churches. It was pretty cool! I will let you know when we celebrate the feasts and what we are doing. It would be fun to have you guys there!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!