
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Life is crazy in May!

My life gets crazy in May with baseball, dance recital, end of school stuff and planting time.  So I have not had much time to sit down and write.  But here is a quick picture update.  I will be writing again soon!

Asher is down and ready in the center.

He had such a good game that he got the game ball!  What an honor.

So proud!

The team minus Whitt and Caiden.

It's neat to have cousins playing right across the complex.

In our spare time, we like to jump on the trampoline.

Sometimes we fall down.

All the way down.

A preview of Jolie's recital.  This is McKenzie, Merik and Jolie.

A preview of the backyard garden.  No plants yet.  We are a bit behind.  This is the load of composted cotton burrs that we got to amend the soil.

This sweet boy doesn't have baseball pics yet because I keep forgetting my camera.  Next week baby, next week.

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