
Monday, August 22, 2011

He's okay.

Levi was so excited to see his sister and brothers.  He kept putting his hands to his face and yelling, "Asher!"
Asher found us first.  He ran up and hugged his daddy.  He didn't want his picture taken though.

Jolie ran up and immediately began talking about Broadway Kids.  It's a special music team that the 4th graders can be a part of.  That was the best part of her day.

Here he is!  I worried about him all day long and then found out that he did great.  His teacher said that he was an example to the rest of the class!  Praise God!  He had a great day.  He even told me, "When we practiced walking down the hall, my teacher didn't have to call my name once!"  He did say a little girl kept punching him but that he "blocked her off."  He didn't even tattle.  He just took care of it himself.  That's my boy!  He even looks bigger.

So happy to see that smile!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad he had a good day! I remember taking my oldest to kindergarten 8 years ago...he cried, too. That's so hard! My youngest is having separation anxiety when going to the kids' church room or staying at my parents' house. I hope it passes quickly. It's so hard to walk away when they have tear-streaked cheeks and all you want to do is hold onto them right back :)

  2. What a sweet day!
    Here's to a wonderful school year for you all!

  3. Oh, yay! I'm glad he was okay! Glad your kids had a great first day (=


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