
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have been a major blog-slacker.  But I have a good reason.  It's harvest time!  My garden has been in need of almost daily attention.  Plus, this is the time of year that my MIL makes the treck to New Mexico to pick up our chili and tomatoes. Our supplier is Sichler's Farms in Los Lunas.  We always anticipate her return.  Almost as soon as she pulls in the drive, we start packing our green chili.  After that we start processing our red.  It's a big deal!  After doing the same thing for several years, we now have it down to a science.  So I appologize for my absence.  I will be back to normal after the first freeze.
Oh freezer full of chili how I love you.  Please last us through the year.

This is fresh-roasted and pureed red chili.  It will make many Huevos Rancheros and enchiladas.

The stage is set.
The players are ready.

The heat is on!

The audience is, well, a little crazy from all of the canning! (And no, we do not have a canning uniform.  We are just wearing our husbands old work shirts.)

We use the raw-pack method.  It seems to work better for us.

Boiling water is poured over the tomatoes and they are processed for 40-45 minutes.

We also did some pickling.

I can't wait for these to be ready to eat!

We made salsa.

And our own lava lamps!  Just kidding.  This is just tomato juice that seperated during processing.

Molly Jo worked her booty off.

I just had to throw in a shot of our after-canning dinner.  Fresh green chili on a tortilla with cheese, garlic powder and salt.  Oh man.  What a reward!


  1. Good to see what you've been up to you blog slacker you. Loving the canning uniforms, let us know if you ever need any extra, I think we have too many laying around here! ;) Heard anything about Rosh Hashanah?

  2. Hahhaahah! We will have to all get together wearing those one day. :) I emailed you about Rosh Hashanah.

  3. Oh my gosh your harvest was awesome! I missed out on my summer garden as we moved but am looking forward to the fall and winter ones. I had tomatoes on the list to can this summer, here in So Ca we can harest later so i hope to get some still. Congrats, drool and a bit jealous :)... those chilis look amazing!


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