
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Asher's birthday camp-out!

In November we celebrate my sweet Asher's birthday.  He turned 8 this year.  Like very other year, he wanted a camp-out party!  There was a fire restriction at our local state park, Palo Duro Canyon.  That is our normal camping spot.  So that meant no roasting hot dogs or marshmallows.  We opted to camp in our own backyard. (That meant if it got REALLY cold outside, the kids could come and camp in the basement.)  Fun was had by all!  Did I mention that my friend Michelle and I sat inside where it is warm, ate Thai food and watched Project Runway?  It's good to be mom.  :)

It's a room full of boys!!!  (and my daughter who is always the only girl)

The 2-year-olds got into the action.

Presents are always amazing!

This was the morning after.  The crazies went outside in freezing cold weather to wrestle on the trampoline. 
(Don't worry, safety precautions were followed.  I just made them all get on the trampoline for this picture.)

This was the camp site.  It was pretty cozy.

Happy birthday my buddy.  I love you lots. 

1 comment:

  1. So fun! The mom part sounds great as well ;) Glad to see ya posting again friend!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!