
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Because you asked...

Ready to be afraid?  Remember, I still have 6 weeks left.  Seriously.  6 weeks.  But lots of you have asked to see the belly and I WILL NOT post it on Facebook.  Those who are really interested can visit here.  :)  Thanks in advance for not making any, "Oh my gosh!!" comments.  You may also keep the, "Are you having twins?" comments to yourself.  I'm glad you all love me...

Photo courtesy of Jolie!

Matt made me take another one to see if a different angle would help.  NOPE!  Even bigger this way.

Yep.  That's real life!  I am so happy and thankful to have this giant belly.  God has blessed us more than I can even say.  Thank you Jesus for my body and it's ability to stretch to such mammoth proportions.  :)


  1. You look wonderful, 'nuff said.

    Prayers for a healthy rest of your pregnancy :)

  2. Ohhhhhh Chelle you are beautiful!!!!! You are 3 wks ahead of me and I think I'm the same size! Lol!! And yes thank you, God that our bodies can stretch AND that you give us the chance to get em back!! Hahahahaha! We are so happy for you guys! I'll try to post my belly pics tomorrow... Wait anxiously! Heehee! Love you guys!!

  3. I think you look gorgeous! I always got a lot of "Are you sure you aren't carrying twins?" comments with my pregnancies. Makes a girl feel good. ;) But seriously, I think you look beautiful, and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

  4. oh my goodness, you are so gorgeous! and seriously, have you gained a pound anywhere other than your belly!?! Because when I'm 6 weeks out, I look like I'm carrying 2 additional babies in my ankles or upper arms. :)
    So look so fab! Enjoy those last 6 weeks!!

  5. Look at you!
    Beautiful and absolutely radiant!!!
    Blessings for you and the rest of your pregnancy.
    Oh the excitement of waiting for a new baby to love...
    And to sleep on your tummy again!

  6. Beautiful mama! I can NOT wait to meet that baby girl. She is so blessed to join such a wonderful family! love you guys!


  7. Thanks fellow mommies! I do love being pregnant. I just struggle with this last part. It seems to go on forever!! I feel big and clumsy and everthing is hard. But knowing that she will be here soon makes it all worth it. :)

    Crystal-I am waiting for those pics!

    Morgan-I can't imagine you being big ever!

    April-As always, you crack me up. You look awsome pregnant!

    Kristin-YES! Tummy time please!

    Jeana- I hope to get to poke your giant belly again someday! :)

  8. You do look simply amazing!!! I love it, everything about it. CONGRATS AGAIN, hopefully i get to see you guys sometime soon, its been FOREVER

  9. i'm only 15 weeks now and people don't believe me when i say that because i'm already big. I say it's a big beautiful belly and you are ALL baby. I was like that with #2 and i'm sure that #3 will bring the same. :) I don't think people realize that there is 12-15 lbs of baby and STUFF in there. LOL Congrats and good luck! God bless!

  10. You look beautiful! And I love the dress-so cute! Much prettier than my prego style of blah-ness!


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