
Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm so excited!

 I got a big treat last week!  My sweet husband, brother-in-law and father-in-law put in some new counter tops for me!  Here they are!
This is my old counter top.  It looked ok but was NOT functional for someone who cooks a ton and needs a smooth space for rolling out dough!

The demo!

Matt his dad and brother working hard.

This sink was used when it was put in our house.  It is so scratched up that I could not keep it clean.  It was time for it to go.

The prep work.



I just love it!  It is pretty and very functional.  The sink is HUGE and so easy to keep clean.  Thank you to my sweet men!

We even extended our small counter top a bit to give me more usable space.  I am a happy mama.
This may be my favorite thing of all.  The sink is the perfect baby bath.  (it's hard to take a picture while holding onto a squirmy and wet baby!)

 In other news...

 Let the toothlessness begin!


  1. Your kitchen looks wonderful! And your kiddos are adorable!

  2. Beautiful!! I long for the days of bathing babies in the sink. And love that toothless grin!

  3. Perfect sink! That's what I'm wanting, too! And it is the perfect size for babies!

    Now my grandmother used to tell me that if I never stuck my tongue in the hole where that tooth was, that a GOLD tooth would grow in there! I could never keep my tongue out of those holes!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!