
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A day for thanks...

Whose bright idea was it to host Thanksgiving in her home just a month after moving in???  Oh, that would be me.  And it was a bright idea.  It gave us major motivation to unpack boxes and get some stuff hung on the walls. 

We would have been in trouble has it not been for the family all pitching in to make Thanksgiving Day so easy and fun.  Everyone brought something for the meal.  Then everyone helped clean up.  That's the worst part!  (A special thanks to my pregnant sister who worked harder than anyone to help get everything ready.  Heather, you are an amazing mama and sister.  I am so thankful to have you in my life!)

We had 20 of our nearest and dearest share our home for the day.  God blessed us with perfect weather so we were able to sit on the porch some.  The guys, and my baby sister, shot some skeet.  The kids ran everywhere!  And the ladies got to just sit and enjoy each other's company. 

Blessed I tell you.  Blessed beyond measure.   

Ava Grace and Micah B.

Papa Joe and Halie Kate!

Up to no good.

See.  Cousins can always find trouble.

You take my breath away beautiful girl!

Grandma giving Ava some love and wisdom.

I could eat you little butterball.

My sister and mom putting the finishing touches on dinner.

As we gather round to pray...

we give thanks for one another...

we squeeze each other tighter because we know how blessed we are.

My mama and sister.  So stinkin' cute.

You too mister.  How did you get so cute?  Must have a cute mom.  :)
Sisters in every color.  We planned it that way.
Grandma and Pa joined us.  We loved having them!!

Papa and Grandma were there too.

A rather precious picture of Pam and Daniel.

Not sure about these two crazies.

Papa Joe on baby duty.  He and Micah have a delicate relationship.  As in, sometimes Papa is hilarious and sometimes he is scary.

Liv needed a buddy to bounce her.  Nana took on the challenge.

Beautiful Nana.

Sweet baby Liv.
Oh daughter, why must you grow so.  I guess I'm even thankful for that.


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