
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Micah and her Daddy

I had to be somewhere last week so Matt was on kid duty.  Micah loves to be outside so he took her out onto the trampoline.  He decided to take the camera as well and I am so happy that he did!  Here are pics of Daddy and Micah's date.

These babies came from the bright blue eggs that I posted pics of a few weeks ago.
Levi was amazed!

As you can see I am using spaces in my sentences instead of periods.  Whoo hoo!  We were very blessed to be the recipients of some love from a good friend.  She used part of a blessing she had received to send us money to buy a new computer!
  I was very amazed and kind of shocked.  My first response was to say no!  I didn't want her spending her money on me.  But she was precious and stubborn and basically told me to shut up and enjoy being blessed.  :)
She did not want to be mentioned but you know who you are and I am so thankful!  Praying God sees the blessing and returns it to you multiplied!  Love to you!

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