
Monday, July 15, 2013

Progress takes forever!

We had so many plans when we moved into this house in October.  But 5 kids, a limited budget and well you know, life, can hamper productivity.  So we have chugged along slowly. 
Once we hit spring our house projects stopped.  We would much rather be outside!  Plus, we had a ton to do out there.  But we did manage to get some painting finished. 
 I was waiting until we got decorations hung and new curtains to do update pics.  No telling when that will happen so, here they are as they are!  Not all that impressive but at least it is progress.
Our "book nook" upstairs.  This is the before.
This is the color on the walls now.

The cutest little space!  Just needed to make it ours.

We have more work to do like build a stair rail and move a big reading chair in and find a nice rug to put down.  But for now.  I LOVE the color.  It was the color we had in our old dining room.  I had to bring it to the new house.
More painting!!!

Yes, son.  More painting. This was the boys room before.  It was a disorganized mess in there.  Plus, the color was just not for me.  These are military dudes.  We had to man up the room.

For our manly men.  Military greenish-brown with cream trim and brown bed spreads. (One was missing, Go figure.)  Please try to envision each headboard painted in the same manly color.
Also try to imagine the antique maps hung on the walls and the old bolt-action rifle mounted over the door, oh and the missing bedspread in place.  It is a cozy place to be!  The three boys love it.

 This is the stairwell to the kids rooms before.
And after!  It is coming along.  Now that the weather is getting hotter, we will be inside and can get even more done!

Well it is supposed to get hotter but this week is just amazing!

Rain and temperatures in the 70's and 80's!  That does not happen here in July!  Praise God for His good gifts!


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