
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The last weeks of summer.

There are always mixed emotions in the last weeks of summer.

There has been lots of fun, swimming, gardening, bee watching, cousins, and more.

But we just don't quite feel ready to give up our lazy days.  We want to hold on to the quiet mornings and evenings outside.

This year has been so beautiful!  The Lord has blessed us abundantly with rain, produce and lots of growth.

Still, there is an excitement in the undercurrent of our household.  There are new shoes still in boxes in the closet.  There are backpacks that hold fresh spirals and boxes of Kleenex.  There are nervous tummies that wonder who will be in their classes or what the teachers will be like.
We are not ready yet.  Still a few more turns on the swing and a few more dives into the pool and a few more veggies to harvest.

Soon enough will be the coolness of school mornings and the sound of the marching band.  Before we know it, we will have homework and school nights.  My babies have been all mine for weeks.  Now they crave adventure with a little side of routine.  
I am thankful to the Creator of all things that he as allowed me to be a mama.  To be home, to watch them grow, to discipline and help to form them.  It is exciting to see the little people they are becoming.  With His hand, they will navigate this year.  I pray for the protection of their hearts and minds.  I pray for solid Christ-centered relationships.  I pray for teachers who can meet their educational needs.  And I pray for wisdom for Matt and I as we go along with them in this.  My prayers are for all of you letting go this month.  
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may he make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.  May the Lord grant you Peace.  

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful post. Those kiddos are lucky to have you as their Mama.


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!