
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Texas skies.

Rain is a precious thing here on the Prairie.  So when we get it, we celebrate!  I get really upset if it rains at my house when I am not there.  If I don't get to sit on the porch during a shower, I get grumpy.  RAIN!!  
Of course in this part of Texas there is always the chance that a rain shower will turn into a thunderstorm or a tornado.  We don't like the damaging winds or the plant-busting hail we might get.  But we will take the chance if it means we get to smell wet dirt or run our fingers through the streams pouring from the roof.
Praise be to God who sustains us and who blesses us in our land!  And praise be to a king who creates such beauty. 
(If you have never walked outside after a storm to see the sky on fire, you need to come to Texas.) 

1 comment:

  1. Great sky pictures! You are very talented with the camera!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!