
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our New Mexico adventure.

Before we set off on our NM trip, we got to spend some time with Uncle Brad.  He is always a hit with the kids but Levi has a special bond with him.  They hung out all weekend.  Then Levi found a shirt that was just like Uncle Brad's! 

We took off to Matt's family reunion and decided to go the scenic route.  We went through Lincoln, NM and up through Capitan.  It was a really beautiful trip. 
Closer to our campgrounds, we went through the lava flows in the Valley of Fires.
"This part of the long Tularosa Valley contains many square miles of buckled, twisted basalt lava, part of an extensive flow up to 165 feet thick and over 45 miles long that originated from several nearby volcanoes, including one vent now known as Little Black Peak, 9 miles northwest of the dusty, windswept town of Carrizozo. The lava is called the Malpais (Spanish for 'badlands'), a name also given to several other flows in New Mexico, including the even larger deposits of the El Malpais National Monument near Grants, 130 miles northwest."

It was pretty fascinating.  I grew up in the Southwest so I have a tendency to glance over the landscape.  This trip really opened my eyes to the beauty of this area and of the High-Desert where we camped.  

We had a beautiful and semi-cool weekend to camp.  Matt's family reunion at Montosa has become a summer tradition and a place we love to be.  We hardly see our kids.  We only see a kid blur when a group of them runs by.  That is why I wasn't able to get a picture of the girls!  They were MIA until the talent show and then they knocked our socks off with music!

The kids aren't the only ones who love to be together.  The adults do a ton of talking and a fair bit of hugging. 

Aunt Verna, who is the event organizer, always has fun things for the kids to do like decorating t-shirts or a scavenger hunt.

After a few days, we are all worn out.  Worn out and happy!  See you again next year!

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