
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It's that time again!

 School is here!  I dread it every summer but am always excited to see the kids growing and moving forward.
This year was a big year.  We had one moving up to the Junior High, one moving into Intermediate, one going to the big 3rd grade year and one starting his school journey in Kindergarten.
Asher was feeling super-hero confident.

Levi would not give me a serious picture.

Zaddok was pretty nervous and not sure he wanted to go.

Micah was, of course, doing Karate.

Oh this girl.  She is my trailblazer.  Junior high was just the new thing she needed.  She was excited and ready and not nervous at all.  I love her confidence.

You know how when they are little they want you to walk them into class?  This year Jolie went to her first day with her friend Ridgleigh.  Friends are important when you are 13.  We are thankful she has good ones to share these memories with.
These littles are still in at the walk-me-in stage.  Daddy was able to be there, which was a blessing.  Both boys were trying to be brave but were visibly nervous.

We did manage to get a good brother picture.  They will be together here for 2 years.  It makes me feel better to know they have each other.

Oh my Kinder.  You are too little.

And so big at the same time!  God was good and put Levi with a teacher that he knows.  His teacher is new to Kinder because she taught at his preschool last year.  It was comforting to him to walk in to Ms. Becca's class.

This was a few minutes before we said goodbye and before the tears started.  His didn't last as long as mine.

We took a quick peek at this kid before we left.  He has a fantastic teacher who has traveled all over the world.  She taught in South Korea for a year.  His first day home he was already speaking Korean!  I am looking forward to what he learns this year.
It's just me and you kid! 
God you know my heart for these babies.  You know my worry too.  Please take my worry and hear my heart.  I trust them into your hands.  I know you will equip them with every good thing to walk out their faith in the midst of the world.  Hold them up, protect them and challenge them.  I pray for their growth to be profound and lasting.  Thank you God for your goodness and your promise to never leave us.  In Jesus name-Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh those days gone by for me. Still, I echo the same prayer for my thirty-somethings.


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!