
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One Thousand Gifts, 1-50

A year ago my sister-in-law told me about a book.  She said it would change my life.  Psshh.  A book, change my life?  I thought she was being dramatic.
Fast forward to last week when I carelessly picked up this book as I was waiting for Asher to finish piano lessons.  I read the first chapter, trying to hide my tears.  Oh heck, I was ugly crying behind my book hoping the piano teacher would not look my way.
Thus began my journey.  In one week I have started my "gifts" journal.  It has become a precious thing to me.  I am noticing and caring about things that I normally give no pause.  My hand is intentional in recording my heart.  Page after page.  Number after number.
Being that I record my blog in print, I wanted to make this journal part of our family record.  I will be sharing my gifts here. 
Even if you don't read the book, take time to notice today.  Take time to preserve your gifts.
1. cottonwood leaves that blow in the breeze like glitter
2. a clean sink
3.  my baby girl's belly laugh
4. the coolness of approaching Autumn
6. slipping on my favorite hoodie when I get cold
7.  twisting my hair around my finger
8.  hearing, "I love you Mama."
9.  silence
10.  roasted green chile smoke filling the cracks of the end of summer

11.  familiar hands raised together in worship
12.  overcast skies
13.  silky, earthen dark chocolate
14.  cozy Sunday afternoons under warm covers
15.  a good stretch
16.  my oldest layer her head on my shoulder
17.  freshness of clean sheets
18.  dark, staring newborn eyes.
19.  bookshelves filled with traveled treasures
20.  strong, syrup-colored iced tea
21.  old jeans that fit again
22. chest rising deep with breath
23.  the ones who fight (Haley Butts-Wilscam)
24.  finished projects
25.  pumpkin this-and-that
26.  gel pens
27.  magazines
28.  a note from my sweet boy
29.  hand-me-downs
30.  Zaddok's soft hair

31.  kittens.
32.  perfectly focused picture
33.  being wrapped in a hard breeze inoculated with the crisp of Fall
34.  little baby noses
35.  ice to chill my drink
36.  mail
37.  surprise rain showers
38.  baby snuggles
39.  homemade tortillas
40.  when my sister calls
41.  bare feet on cool tile
42.  the firelight of a Texas sunset
43.  my bed
44.  when a book makes me feel
45.  Asher grabbing my hand as we walk
46.  taking out my contacts after a long day
47.  finding God's peace when it hurts
48.  freshly painted nails
49.  feeling strong
50.  soft and wrinkled hands of an old friend
I am playing catch-up with what I have written.  I will not always share this much.  Be blessed and bless another!

1 comment:

  1. I knew you were my friend! I ADORE this book. It's certainly a life changer! Now you will have to read The Greatest Gift. The perfect way to focus ourselves as we enter the Christmas season.


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