
Saturday, October 4, 2014


What do you do when your girl turns 13?  You have a nail party of course!!  Jolie had 6 of her sweet friends join us at a local business on our town square called Rock 'n Roll Soda Shoppe.   It is such a fun little place to visit.  They have an old-fashioned soda fountain with a bar.  The bar stools spin around too!  Perfect fun for little ones. 
Behind this great spot is a hair salon called the Purple Pony.  Our good friend Marlena Callis does nails inside.  We set up a date to get nails painted and have a treat at the soda shop.

This place is so much fun!  The kids flood into it after school.  It is the perfect place for them to hang out.  I love that they have this.  As you can see, it is packed.  It stayed like this all afternoon.  Lots of teen-aged fun going on!

This is Marlena.  She worked so hard to make this a special time for the girls.  Thank you!!!

One of the things that I loved about this party was that Jolie wanted her baby sister to be there.  Micah got to be a part of it all.  What a special memory.  Micah felt pretty big with all of those girls.  They were so sweet to her.

After nails we headed to dinner.  We went to a great burger place called Blue Sky.  It was the perfect end to our fun time.

This is what I love about these girls.  So goofy and fun!  I honestly enjoyed being with them.  Every one of them thanked me over and over for everything.  We are so blessed to have such a sweet group of girls surrounding our girl.  They all love the Lord and have great expectations for themselves and for each other.

Jolie and Abby



My precious treasure.  You have surpassed all of my expectations for having a daughter.  What an amazing girl.  You are so smart, always on top of things.  You make me laugh, so quirky and individual.  You give me hope, I can see the huge potential for your life and your walk with the Lord.  You make me happy with your silly little self and all of the ways you are growing into your own person.
I love you Jolie Kay!!  I pray your 13th year is the best one yet. 

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