
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Asher's birthday.

 So my son is 11.  I know Jolie has been there before him but somehow it is different with this one.  Jolie, being my oldest, has brought excitement with each milestone.  She is always the first one to do everything and wears the change so well.  So when she turned 13, I was excited to move on towards a new teenaged adventure.  

My feelings about my boy turning 11 are mixed.  While I am happy to see the sweet little man he is growing to be, I am realizing that my tiny boy will be completely transformed soon.  He has always been my buddy.  He and I have a special bond.  We look alike, we like the same things, we just connect with each other. 

This guy growing up is going to be hard on me.  I am seeing more of his need for independence.  I am seeing his ability to take care of business.  I am seeing him not need his mama quite so much anymore.

I can get sad if I think too much about it.  But God is good and He reminds me that this is the point of my job.  It would be wrong to ask Asher to stay my little boy forever.  Him growing into an independent man who can take care of business is my goal.

One day my sweet baby boy will love another woman.  He will give her his sweet smiles and he will tell her all of his dreams.  He will protect her and love her, he will live for her.  

I pray that his years with me prepare him well for that day.

But right now, I am going to enjoy each and every one of his growing years.  Asher buddy, I love you with all of my heart.  Happy birthday!

 The request for a cake was chocolate cake with white icing.  I used a sheet cake recipe with vanilla icing and topped that with crushed Oreos.  It wasn't too bad.  I can never find my candles for birthdays so I always resort to whatever I can find.

The crew enjoying cake time!

I think this child lives with us too.  

Such sweet, sweet boys.

Our teenagers.  Too cool for the group but not too cool for the  cake. (or bunny ears.)

This is my life.

And, so is this.  

We had a total of 9 boys for this party.  They were fantastic!  They all had fun and enjoyed being together.  That is special for sure.

Special and a little frightening. hahahaha

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