
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Kinda random

 Fermented goodies!

Rain!!!  We have had a very wet spring.  It has been fantastic!

 These sweet kiddos have been together since they were in the nursery at church.  They are all moving on to the 6th grade.

Micah and I went to the dairy with Levi's class.  It was a fun day!

They got to play on the cotton hill.

 Micah wanted to bring a bottle-baby home.  She was pretty infatuated.

Micah's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Micah turning 3.  She got a donut birthday cake first thing on her birthday morning.  She had been talking about her birthday for about 2 months so we had to make it special.

This is the cake she asked for.  She loves the Octonauts.

 This is the cake she got.  Mom is not artistic.  I usually can bake but this one turned out all wrong.  We still ate it.

Micah got spoiled by everyone.  She got lots of fun things.

The kiddos loved to help her open presents.

Some of the fans.  (Sorry Amanda.  It was the only picture I had of this bunch.  hahahaha)

Kyle and Audra

The girls.  Emma and Jolie.

She asked for a fishing pole!

Mama and Mikey.  I love you baby girl!

Happy birthday sweet Micah B!  You are a treasure to my heart.  You make all of us smile.  Your brothers cannot say no to you and race to your rescue anytime you cry.  Your sister loves to paint your toes and read stories to you.  Your Daddy just wants to hold you every chance he gets.  You are my baby.  Even when you are 33 you will still be my baby.  I love you Mikey!

Spring pictures

A lovely Spring brought out the most beautiful Bridal Wreath and lucky me it is right out my kitchen window.

They are a little late but here are our Spring pictures.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sweet, sweet baseball.

Nothing gets summer pumping through my veins quite like baseball.  I love to watch it.  I especially love to watch it when my boys are playing.  And if you are on my son's team, you are my boy!  

We have had a great year with the Braves.  Great boys, fun families and an undefeated season!  We are headed to our championship game on Friday.  GO BRAVES!!

 Matt got to help coach Zaddok's team this year.  He enjoyed it so much.  He wasn't able to be there for the team picture.  So I might superimpose him on the one below.  :)

Playing catch-up!

 May is crazy.  I always get behind.  So here is my attempt to catch up on all of the things we have had going on.

Micah and I painted the new hive boxes for the bees.  I have decided against the traditional white for my favorite green!

 She did great!  I love having these times to work with my kiddos.

I am still making booch.  This is a grapefruit 2f.  Loving the bubbles.  I have been able to pass some scobys on to other people.  We will convert the Panhandle to fermenting!  

Ahhhh.  Beauty and a lovely Spring.

Weebies had his Kinder Luau.  It was sweet.  He is such a precious boy.  Full of life and smiles.

"See the lobster with it's claws"

Zaddok and his buddy Gage came to watch.  Gage's sister Gracie is in Levi's class.

Oh Mrs. Wesbrooks.  How will we ever get along without you?

His smiling face makes my heart melt.  He has such a big heart.  He is very ornery.  But he makes up for that in hugs.