
Thursday, July 16, 2015

New kitties and the 4th

Our mama cat had kittens a few weeks ago and everyone has enjoyed these new little babies.  Micah has so much fun with them and they are just big enough for her to hold and snuggle.  There were 8 babies!  That is a lot of kitty love!

Good eggs in the making!

 We love the 4th in our small town.  It is always fun and always a special event.  We only had our 2 littles for this year's celebration.  It was a bit sad but it was neat to be able to see it from their perspective.

Father's day.

 These kids sure love their daddy.  They were so excited to celebrate him.  It makes me happy to see their giving hearts and hear their sweet thoughts about dad. 

Jolie did a creative poster poem filled with candy.

 Levi found some great little tools that he thought were perfect.
Zaddok got a hex-key set that is all connected so you can't lose them!

Asher got his daddy a tarp that he knew he needed.

Micah found a little tiny hammer that she, I mean Daddy just had to have.  :)

The kids purchased the gifts with their own money which means so much more to them than if I funded it.  We also got him a new air compressor as his was on its last leg.  Dinner was daddy-style with steaks and taters and banana pudding for desert.  It was a special day!

At the pool with Papa and Grandma.

 We went to the Perryton pool with Grandma and Papa.  It was so much fun!!  It was nice to all be together.  The kids had a blast and I may have gone down all of the slides... more than once! 

Levi, Micah and Liv enjoying the splash pad.

 Livie Lou having fun!

 Grandma and Papa found a great spot in the shade to watch all of the kids play.

 Nana and Jolie

Jolie and Micah B

2 peas in a pod!

Tre boy and his daddy.

Auntie Pammy and Aunter!

I only saw glimpses of these boys.  They took off and didn't come back until it was time to go.

Same with this little sweetie.

Tre boy hung out with his Nana.


 Levi Micah and Jacob taking a time-out.

Best buds

Weird best buds.

