
Thursday, July 28, 2011

My garden is going to overtake me.

I work so hard every year to get my garden to this point.  It is now fairly self-sufficient.  I water, pick and weed a bit but it seems to have a life of it's own.  It is a fabulous break from the compulsive attention that had to be paid early in the season.  This season has been especially challenging.  Heat, wind, more heat and no rain.  It's been brutal.  But with lots of mulch and selective watering.  We have done okay.  Abba has been good to us.  I say a prayer of wonder and thanksgiving every time I step into the garden.  The rest of the world is dead and brown but this little piece of land brings forth life.  What a picture of His Faith.  Our striving means nothing without His blessing.  I give praise to the Everlasting!

Basil and dill.  There is a Simon and Garfunkel  song in there somewhere.

This is a mystery plant.  What in the world is it.  It grew up in my bed of lettuce so I let it grow.  It is taking over.  Can anyone tell me what it is?  No flowers, just vine and leaves.  It looks like morning glory a bit but no flowers.  HELP ME!

Itchiban eggplant.  It has small fruit but is mucho productive.  Anyone have a good baba ghanoush recipe?

Bell peppers how I love thee.  The peppers have LOVED the heat.

My beans have produced nothing.  Huge beautiful plants, few blossoms.  The blossoms we do have are dropping off.  Darn the heat.

Cucumbers!!  Slicing and pickling.  They just started producing and I am a happy girl.

Look at these blossoms!  I should have tomatoes like crazy, right?

Wrong!  This is what they do right before they fall off of the plant.  Come on
heat!  Give us a break!

 These are called Mexico Midgets.  That is as big as they get but they are our only
 producers right now.  Boy do they produce!

Awwww, I love this place.

This is the front garden.  We have been very blessed with squash.  It is yummy!

Okra!!!  One of my favorites.  I love to eat it raw, right off of the plant. 
This was the front garden in June.  Cute and organized.

This is the front garden now.  Good grief.  But I am not complaining.  I am praising!

Maybe, if we are patient, we might just get a few melons out of the deal!


  1. Oh my gosh your garden looks wonderful! Nothing like a bountiful harvest to bring smiles and blessings. I found your space through Hespers blog and am so glad i did! I am a gardener as well. My family and i moved recently to the country so i have a new space i am working up for what i hope will be a wonderful fall harvest. Happy gardening!

  2. I pray your harvest is a great one! I'm glad you "visited" :)


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