
Monday, August 8, 2011

Annual Wonderland trip!

This year was a big Wonderland year for Levi.  he was tall enough to ride some of the "bigger" rides. 
He was pretty pumped about  it

I love that my big boys still like to start out the day with the baby rides.  Yep, still fun!

Jolie was great!  She rode with Levi on everything.  She is such a sweet and wonderful big sister.

The boys waiting to ride the cars.

I guess the little boy behind Jolie was ringing the bell as fast and as loud as he could.

Ooooh, my stinker.  Are you having fun?

And of course, "The Face" made an appearance.

Oh Levi.  Please don't fall in the water honey-baby.

We always have to ride the train.  Levi thought it was amazing!

This is a Mullins family coming-of-age.  The Frog Hopper is the first big ride that my littles get to ride.
Not sure if he is going to like it.

He's so little that I can't see his face.  Is he crying or is he smiling?

He smiling!  And he's making friends.

Awwwww, my baby is a big boy!

I love this picture because it shows how sweet my big kids are  Plus, it shows how the baby of the
 family always manages to steal the show.

Levi and Daddy traveling down Rattlesnake River! 
"Where are we going Daddy?"

Whoo hooo!  Shooting the rapids!

We always love Wonderland.  The kids look forward to it every year.  This year was harder because Levi didn't want to sit in the stroller but he didn't want to stay with us either.  So we ended up chasing him down for 4 hours.  I left early and took him home to bed so Matt and the kids could stay and play.  By the end of the night we were all happy and exhausted!  See ya next year Wonderland! 


  1. SO much fun! I can't believe how big he is getting. Awwww!

  2. Wow! The memories that were born!
    What delightful family fun!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!