
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saving Summer

We are coming into one of my favorite parts of the summer season, harvest!  There is a bounty of whatever made it to this point.  this year we have been blessed with zucchini, cucumbers and melons.  Our peppers and tomatoes are still slow.  I am hoping for a fall harvest there.  I am looking forward to putting up more food as the season runs on. 

I got a Cuisinart food processor!  You cannot believe the difference.  I have had a couple of lower-end processors.  This one is amazing!

Even though we have had squash bugs like crazy this year, my faithful zucchini plants have kept right on producing.  So we save what we've got.

I kid you not, this happened in a matter of seconds!  Wonderful little machine.

We also had lots of carrots.  They were ridiculous.  So good!

Most of my home activities are interrupted by this.  A sad and sleepy girl.

Even her big sister couldn't make it better.

I did manage to get a ton of veggies shredded and sliced.  Slices for stews and casseroles.  Shreds for bread, sauces, and whatever I want to hide a bit of extra garden nutrition to!

I made this mix of zucchini and carrots.  I think it will be quite handy.

These babies are freezer bound!  See you again this winter.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A very late 4th blog

The 4th is my favorite holiday.  There is not the pressure of gift-giving, there is no turkey to fret over.  It's a cookout with family and an opportunity to just be together.  You can wear flip-flops.  You can eat ice cream.  It's easy like that.

Why the face Livie Lou??

Dress up clothes and good company!

My brother-in-law George had a gift made for my grandparents.  Here is the moment that they saw it! 

Papa was very proud.

Hey kids!  Where ya going?

Come back!!!
Run girls!

Oh you little sillies!

Grandma and Papa were proud.  We love you both so much!  Thank you for loving us and always being such precious grandparents.  You made my childhood so special and fun.  Grandma with tea parties and beauty shop.  Papa with early morning breakfasts at the Dutch Inn and feeding the horses.  I can still smell the oats!  You are both such a big part of my life.  I am thankful that my babies get to know you and love you too. 

Papa Joe doing his traditional baby hold.

This is George helping load up the new sign.  Thanks for being so thoughtful!!! 

Nana and Papa Joe loving on Micah.

Liv trying to love on Micah who is done being loved on.

Papa and Levi having a talk.

Kiddos decorating the wall.
Hi my Jolie baby!
Nice icing face Zaddy!

Hey!!  Quit looking at me like that!

Just hanging around.
Cousins are the best.

All of the cousins waiting for the fireworks to start.

Here you can get the idea of how my life flies by me.  Look at all of that movement!

I sat in the dark that night with my eyes closed, listening.  Fireworks were exploding all around.  You know the big ones that shake your core?  Those.  They were beautiful and for a split second, terrifying. 

I held my baby close and thought.  I though about the mothers holding their babies close as they listen to real bombs explode around them.  Moms who wonder if they and their babies will survive the night.  Their terror lasts.  

Tears fall as color streaks the sky.  I thank God that I don't feel that fear.  I thank him for the safety and security of this place.  But I also ask him to guard those who's country has betrayed them.  The families who fear.  The children who have lost parents.  The moms whose arms are empty.  I have no delusion about my place in this world.  I am very blessed.     

The horizon grows dark again and the crowd cheers in appreciation of the show.  We all head to the safety of home and the promise of coffee and conversation.  I know that tonight we will sleep in safety but that no day is promised.  We have to live in this moment and trust in his ways.  

I love the 4th... 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Micah Bird

She is growing so fast.  I just have to document and share.  We love this girl.  She is 10 weeks old now!

Here is our latest photo shoot...

She is a joy!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthday fun!

This little turkey turned 3.  He got the donut birthday cake!

And blew out the candles like a champ!

He was a happy boy!

We had a pool party for Levi's 3rd birthday and decided to combine it with Zaddok's half birthday.  (He is a December baby and always gets the shaft when it comes to party time.  So we had a big friend party for his half birthday!)

Some buddies.

Approval #1

Approval #2

This may be approval # 3.  Then again, this is how she looks 90% of the time.  Chill out Micah.  You look so stressed! :)

Going from approval to disapproval.  Guess I need a new lunch menu.

Baby girl seems to be fine with what she's been eating.  Oh the cheeks!!