
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Naked basil and seeds!!

This is my naked basil.  :)

Here is a big bowl of future pesto!  (there will be a blog!)

My sweet Asher taking a break from mowing.

Jolie is picking tomatoes for me.

She is perfectly content in the shade.

He is such a stinker!

We are in harvest mode.  It has gotten so hot that everything that can go to seed is going to seed.  Lots to collect!  Here we have two kinds of lettuce, carrot and cilantro seed.

We cleared the lettuce bed and will hopefully plant some cool-weather crops soon!

You have heard of sheep dogs.  This is a baby dog.

This boy is harvesting fruit from a jujube tree.  There is nothing that I have found to do with this fruit but he wanted a job.  So he picked.

Even though it's little, I am thankful for the harvest this year.  I spent very little time working for what we got.  But this season has been so sweet in other ways.  Growing children, healthy family, a sweet new addition to our crew, lots of time together and a daddy who is able to work to support us. Thank you God for so much bounty!


  1. I like your baby dog. We had a baby cat who sat and watched our baby. :)

  2. I'm with you, we are hoping for cooler weather here too. Looks like you have been busy!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!