
Monday, August 6, 2012

Favorite Flavor

Here is my pesto-making blog!!  The recipe follows my pictures.  Hope some of you try it.  It is delish.  I had it on sauteed squash yesterday.

This was the start of the season.

This is the same plant grown and stripped.

The leaves are here soaking to rid it of bugs and dirt and to plump it up a bit.  This is how pesto begins!

I always toast the pine nuts first.  Low heat is best as they burn easily.  It only takes a few minutes but it adds a lot of flavor. 

Previously I had processed Parmesan cheese and garlic.  Then I did the same with the basil leaves.  I added them together with salt.

When the basil is rough chopped and everything else is added, you drizzle in olive oil.  Continue to process until it looks well emulsified.

I freeze my bounty in small canning jars.  Isn't that green beautiful?

Before I close the lid, I cover the pesto with olive oil.  It will add a layer of protection from frost and keep the pesto from discoloring.


2 oz Parmesan cheese processed or shredded
3-4 cloves of garlic processed or crushed
1/2 tsp salt
4-6 T of toasted pine nuts (you can also use walnuts!)
3 cups basil chopped
5 T extra virgin olive oil (1T extra to cover in jar)

Process cheese, garlic, and salt.  Reserve.  Add basil and rough chop.  Add back in reserve plus pine nuts.  Process together as you drizzle in olive oil.  Put into clean jars, ice cube trays or freezer bags and cover with oil. 
This has nothing to do with pesto but everything to do with a sweet and chubby baby and her new Bumbo!  It makes me smile.

Join the fun at Homestead Revival's Barn Hop


  1. I have never had pesto before. I have a huge batch of basil in my herb garden so I really should give this a try.

  2. Mmmmm Pesto...yummy!
    Chubby Baby makes me smile too:)

  3. We love pesto! So many uses. Mis you lady :)

  4. I just wanted to say Shalom! It's so nice to meet another Torah observant homesteader!!

    And thanks for linking up to our Monday's Homestead Barn Hop. Your pesto looks fantastic :)


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