
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pizza for breakfast???

Yes!!!  You can do it and feel good about what you are feeding your kids.  I had a conversation with a friend about this and decided to find a recipe.  A quick search lead me to this site.  So like all good cooks do, I completely disregarded the original recipe, took the parts I liked and made it my own!  So here is what I did.  feel free to be an artist and make something that works for your family!

The original recipe calls for canned or boxed biscuit dough.  That is sufficient if you do not have a recipe you like.  I happen to have Matt's grandmother's recipe.  (I might include it at the end of this post.  Let me think about it.)  It's easy and allows me to make the dough half whole-wheat.  I made the dough and then pressed it into a greased and floured cookie sheet.  I pricked it with a fork to keep it from puffing too much.

Then I began browning some beef breakfast sausage.  (We do not eat pork but there are tons of healthy alternatives to pork bacon and sausage so we don't miss out on anything!)  Use your discretion here as to what meat, if any, you will use. 

As the meat was browning, I used my time wisely to chop and slice my veggies.  Being that we are coming to the end of our groceries for this pay period, I used what we had; tomatoes, jalapenos and onion.  In the future, I plan on using spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers.  Or I might do spinach, thinly sliced squash, and feta cheese!  Or I could do a sweet version with apples, cinnamon, walnuts and honey.  Oh my goodness!  So many choices. 

Because I can, I buttered the dough before putting it in the oven at 375 for 5 minutes.  Yes, that is real butter.  What else is there?

 This is after the crust has pre-baked for 5 minutes.  I did a layer of sliced tomatoes, which I think makes a lovely base for the other ingredients.  Then I piled everything else on top.  Half of the pizza was no onion or jalapeno because my kids don't know what's good.  After the meat and veggie toppings I sprinkled some mozzarella cheese on top to hold it all together.  Then I put it back into the oven at 375.  I let it cook 10 more minutes and then took it out of the oven again.

Now for the fun part.  I cracked some of our fresh eggs right on top of the pizza!  I know, it seems weird.  But trust me, you want to do this part.  Crack the eggs all along the pizza.  Salt and pepper them and stick the whole thing back in the oven.  I let it cook at 375 again for 10 more minutes.  at this point the eggs were still a bit liquid.  So I turned on the broiler and let it brown a bit and cook the eggs through. 

I wish I would have gotten a picture of my kiddos eating it up.  They really loved it!  So did Matt.  Now next time I make it, they won't like it anymore.  That's the way it goes.  But it was fun to watch them enjoy it this time!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!