
Monday, April 14, 2014

Just another weekend on the Prairie.

Springtime in the country brings all sorts of wonderful things.  Green grass peeks through the crisp thatch, tulips push through the dirt to make their glorious appearance, and our swallows come back to the nest and begin their housekeeping.

I love all of those things.  But the babies that begin to appear are probably my favorite.  Who doesn't love a good baby?  We have had more than our share this weekend!

Levi with one of the cotton-tail bunnies we found in the yard.  Matt had shot an adult yesterday and we are afraid these are her very helpless offspring.  I know it is not good to take wildlife out of their environment.  But these country kids had the bunny cuddled up and in the hamster cage before I even knew what had happened.  We will keep them warm and fed until the weather is stable and then we will release them.  Sadly, the mama kitty below will probably find them.  And she will not be so kind.

Here is Mama kitty.  She had her first litter this weekend.  It was pretty amazing to see her go from a kitten to a mama in a matter of hours.  She is the best mama.  She actually hugs those babies and purrs the whole time she is with them.  Very sweet.  As a bonus, my sister and her family were here this weekend and my nieces got to be a part of all of the excitement! 

Nothing better for a country kids than an appliance box and a bunny.  :)

Well maybe a sibling to share it with.  Praying you can appreciate the Spring wonderment all around you.  Have a beautiful Holy Season!

1 comment:

  1. SO sweet! My boys would love those kittens. Sure miss you all, Happy Passover!


Tell a prairie wife what it's like in your neck of the woods!