
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A day to demo! (Plus some really cute kids.)

Oh my house.  I am so excited to get the work done.  The process may be rough.  We have tried to organize it to be as easy on our everyday life as possible.  Hopefully we can move things along quickly!  Here's to demolition!

Guys love this tool.
All sizes of guys.

It is like a more civilized version of camping.

Oh my gosh.
This past weekend was Resurrection Weekend.  What a glorious event!  We make a point to look our best for the worship service.  It makes the morning feel very special and set apart.  So naturally, I take pictures.  It is always very stressful but usually successful.

My sweet man.

My little baby girl

My handsome Zaddie.

My almost-teenager.

My Weebies!

I love this picture.  Their faces are precious but their hair is pure comedy.  Stupid wind.

To thwart the wind, we moved into the barn.  These sisters just love each other.

Daddy and his fans.

1 comment:

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