
Thursday, May 1, 2014

All new things.

We are in full swing Spring!  Lots of new babies and green stuff popping up here and there.  No thanks to our weather.  That has been just gross.  It should never rain mud.  (seriously, our weather men call it "raining mud balls") 
However, I will not let it get me down.  We keep on going and pray that soon, that sweet Spring moisture will fall from the sky.
This is so exciting to me!  Lots of new bees.  I have had to feed them a little to help them through this dry time.  But they seem healthy and thriving.

Some cuttings from my Grandma's plants.  I am trying to root them a bit before planting.  I would love for these to take off!

This is what you get with the Panhandle Spring wind.  Dirt and lots of it.  Today the sky is blue instead of brown.  That's a start.

Who doesn't love a baby?  So cute!  This is Flores.  She (or he) is named after my sister and her family as they were present during the birth.  This is the kitty that hisses at us.  New Mexico attitude already.  :)

Have to have this picture every year.

My sweet friend from church gave me two chicks she had used in a story time at the library.  We were able to convince this broody mama to take them as her own.  They are doing great!

This little critter follows me all over the yard.  She loves being outside with mama.  I love having her with me.

Oh, and today is her birthday!  Happy 2 Micah!  We love you sweet thing.

Join the Barn Hop at New Life on a Homestead!

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