
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sacred Solution for thoughtful health.

I am not a big product endorsement girl.  I don't do sales.  But this particular business is close to my heart. 
I am a huge believer in the power of the body to heal itself.  Occasionally, it needs to be supported.  The best way to support the body is with proper diet, exercise, hydration and by using what God has given us to heal.  One of my favorite things to use is essential oils.
The popularity of essential oils has grown from the "crunchy" moms, to main-stream.  Companies such as Young Living and doTerra, have introduced the general public to the benefits of plant medicine.
If you are like me, you love oils but aren't committed to learning all you need to know to make them work for you.  Luckily, I know a lady.
I have know this sweet thing since high school.  She is a super mom, a dedicated wife, a lover of the Lord and a spectacular L&D nurse who stepped away from her career to pursue another passion.  She is one of my soul sisters.
Charity and her husband Chris have created
I have ordered from them in the past and have loved everything they have sent me!  It gives me the opportunity to use the oils I love without having to do the dirty work.  And by dirty work I mean, researching and creating fantastic products with the best ingredients.  Not to mention the packaging.  It is so pretty, you know you are using something special.
I got my latest order in the mail today.  The Immune Boost helped me get through last sick season.  This stuff works!  I use Boo Boo balm as I would use anti-bacterial ointment.  My kids ask for it all of the time  It has helped heal some nasty cuts and scrapes.

Consider using Sacred Solutions.  They have produced a wide variety of products.  From bug spray to lip balm, anti-aging face oil to a line of items for baby and mom; they all do what they say they will do!
Thank you to Charity and Chris for creating such delicious goodies.  I will be placing another order soon!  Next, I am getting some naturally anti-bacterial, foaming hand soap and some Lavender Citrus Hand Lotion!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our New Mexico adventure.

Before we set off on our NM trip, we got to spend some time with Uncle Brad.  He is always a hit with the kids but Levi has a special bond with him.  They hung out all weekend.  Then Levi found a shirt that was just like Uncle Brad's! 

We took off to Matt's family reunion and decided to go the scenic route.  We went through Lincoln, NM and up through Capitan.  It was a really beautiful trip. 
Closer to our campgrounds, we went through the lava flows in the Valley of Fires.
"This part of the long Tularosa Valley contains many square miles of buckled, twisted basalt lava, part of an extensive flow up to 165 feet thick and over 45 miles long that originated from several nearby volcanoes, including one vent now known as Little Black Peak, 9 miles northwest of the dusty, windswept town of Carrizozo. The lava is called the Malpais (Spanish for 'badlands'), a name also given to several other flows in New Mexico, including the even larger deposits of the El Malpais National Monument near Grants, 130 miles northwest."

It was pretty fascinating.  I grew up in the Southwest so I have a tendency to glance over the landscape.  This trip really opened my eyes to the beauty of this area and of the High-Desert where we camped.  

We had a beautiful and semi-cool weekend to camp.  Matt's family reunion at Montosa has become a summer tradition and a place we love to be.  We hardly see our kids.  We only see a kid blur when a group of them runs by.  That is why I wasn't able to get a picture of the girls!  They were MIA until the talent show and then they knocked our socks off with music!

The kids aren't the only ones who love to be together.  The adults do a ton of talking and a fair bit of hugging. 

Aunt Verna, who is the event organizer, always has fun things for the kids to do like decorating t-shirts or a scavenger hunt.

After a few days, we are all worn out.  Worn out and happy!  See you again next year!

Friday, July 18, 2014

July gardens are lovely.

This is our little plot after all of the glorious rain!  It is really nice to have the abundance.

This was the same plot in May.  So barren.
There are a few weeds but I am really happy with the space and the set-up.
The squash seem happy.  And the bees are happy to see the squash!!!

Cucumbers are coming in.  I love them with all of my heart.  I have already made use of my sweet MIL's gift to me.  There is a batch fermenting in my new crock!

Here we have some pumpkin and different fall squashes that will grow into the summer squash plot about the time the summer squash retires.
The summer squash is huge and healthy!  I have picked a few squash bugs.  I go out there every single day so as to not miss one.  I think it is helping.
This makes me so happy.  I can't wait to have these sliced on a plate or on fresh bread with homemade mayo.  Summer in my mouth!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Cousins and fun-the 4th continues!

The 4th is my favorite holiday!  I love everything about it.  So having a big group of family here to celebrate makes it even better.  We had some of Matt's family and some of my family.  It blesses my heart that our families like to spend time together. 
With both families we had 15 kids.  It was a perfect way to celebrate.  Lots of fun, fireworks and food!
Uncle Matt and the big boys.  They are as tall as he is now!

Tre baby!

Sweet girls.

PiƱata time!

The foot-race was a highlight. 

Love these faces!