
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1 year baby!

I can't believe I have actually kept up with this blogging thing for a year.  I wasn't sure how it would go or if I would like it.  I have loved it!  It has given me a chance to document these precious days with my babies.  It has given me a outlet for my thoughts.  It has given me connections with new and amazing people.  It really has! 

I have looked back at some of my older posts.  My favorites are the individual post about my kids. Nature  Asher  Zaddie Poo-poo  And Finally   I also love to look at the spring posts.  It is good to see, in the middle of winter, the freshness of starting the gardening season.  Spring garden 4  I also found that I would like to do more cooking posts.  It is something that I love to do.  I usually think of taking the pictures after we have already eaten the results.  Second-annual Mullins women canning day

So thank you all for joining me on my journey.  I plan on continuing!  After all, I am getting older so writing things down helps a lot.  Also, maybe it will inspire me to try some new and amazing things.  For now, I will be working on making a printed book of this year's blogs as a keepsake for my family.  I am hoping to do this every year.  It would be great to have this picture journal to keep forever.  So if there are no posts for awhile, I hope you will understand.  I will be busy on this project.  But I will be back in full force as soon as I can. 

I pray blessing on you in this new year.
 May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May he make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord grant you peace. 


  1. Happy Anniversary! Now you're an old blogger - welcome to the club!

  2. Awww, thanks Megan! I feel like I am in good company. Here's to year 2!

  3. Love your blog, and glad you're sticking around! This year we have GOT to get together.


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