Little Wife On the Prairie

When you are everything to everyone, well, you had better act like you have it all together.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do this now!

Visit this website to get a link to a really cool giveaway to support a homebased business!  It's real soap people!


Prairie Rose said...

I just found your blog when I was commenting for this giveawy on Homestead Revival!
The name of your blog caught my eye and I had to check you out,since we have a little in common;)

The Iowa Farmer's Wife said...

Rachelle, Thank you so much for your sweet words. I've read the audreycaroline blog before and it's such a heartwrenching story. Through her blog I've read others as well. And my heart just breaks for all those mamas. Thanks for your prayers and we'll keep praying that God will grace with another child.