Little Wife On the Prairie

When you are everything to everyone, well, you had better act like you have it all together.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homemade "Hamburger Helper"

So you take your favorite pasta and undercook it by a minute or two.  This says cooks in 7-8 minutes so I cook it for 5-6. 

You brown a pound of your favorite meat. (I chose turkey to make the dish a bit less beefy.)  Brown meat with a small chopped onion.  Add veggies your family will tolerate.  I added celery, mushrooms and black olives.  I really wanted to add a bell pepper but my daughter can smell them a mile away!  Then you add a cup of chicken stock and a half cup of cream or half and half.  You will want the mixture to be soupy so that it will not dry out in the oven. 

You can add a can of tomatoes to the mixture as well.  I had to take a picture of these apart from the other ingredients.  I just had to.  I am savoring each and every jar until they are gone!

Cook together until veggies are soft.  Then take a handful of your favorite cheese and add to the mixture.  Stir it in and cook a bit longer.  Try to ignore the fact that it looks like vomit with cheese on it.  That is just a coincidence.  It will taste nothing like that.   

Drain the pasta and prepare for greatness!

Okay, so maybe it's mediocreness but you get the idea.  Mix it all together.

I can never put anything in the oven without adding a bit more cheese.  That is what I have done here.  Just top it with cheese.  It won't hurt a soul.

Put the whole shebang into a 375 degree oven and let it cook until it is all mellowed-out and bubbly.

I got fancy with this batch and added bread crumbs before baking.  It is not required.  It will delight the crowd without the crumbs.  Serve this dish with a green salad or some other green veggie.  My kids love it and it is really very easy and a one-pot meal if you have a skillet that can bake in the oven. 

Enjoy a meal with the family my friends!


Jackson4 said...

Mmmm, that looks really good, may have to give it a try!

~Kristin~ said...

You got me with the mushrooms and olives!
Just got my seed catalog after seeing yours on your blog and can't wait to place my order!
Happy Monday!

Prairie Rose said...

I am going to make this tonight!
My Hubby LOVES Hamburger Helper from his bachelor days.(also ramen noodles! BLECH!)
I know he will like this dish:)
Have a great day!

Little Wife on the Prairie said...

Prairie, I hope he liked it! It is the food I loved as a child. And I do have to admit I still like Ramen! I don't allow myself to eat them though. They are horrible!