This week my kids are home for spring break and we have been in need of entertainment. So imagine their joy when I said, "Hey, lets make some laundry soap!" Maybe joy is not the right word. They were a bit confused but were happy to have a project.
We started with a bar of Zote soap. We got ours from the laundry section at Walmart for less than a dollar. It is a mild soap with a clean fragrance. |
We followed a recipe from Homestead Revival that said we should grate the soap. Zaddok is demonstrating here. |
Jolie put some muscle into it. It is a very soft soap so it's not hard to do. The kids kind of enjoyed it! |
We then mixed the grated soap with 1 and 1/2 cups Borax and 1 and 1/2 cups washing soda. You have to make sure you get the washing soda not baking soda! We found ours in the laundry section of our local grocery store. Our Walmart did not carry it. |
I use my canning jars to store just about everything. They are good for that. |
Glad you like the recipe. And I love the idea of adding the Grapefruit essential oil! I'll have to try that. Thanks for linking to Homestead Revival™!
We do this too! Love it! Although occasionally I get the itch to go back to the other stuff...then I always come back to this. I know. I can't seem to make up my mind!
Good for you! I use Fels instead, but have been making my soap for years! Love it! Makes me feel sooo...industrious!
Impressive! Maybe someday, but right now I'll stick with my Melaleuca. :-)
Side note -- the Melaleuca dishwasher liquid? Not caustic/toxic like the stuff you get at the store! Woohoo!
When are you making yogurt, dearie? I made some the other day that set up and it's super duper yummy! You can do it! :-)
You sweet blog-friends have been my inspiration! I love getting good advice. :) I just got done folding the last of my laundry and I noticed something. My hands don't smell like detergent or have that slick feeling. Before, I would dread folding the laundry because I felt like I was covered in chemicals after I was done. I could almost taste the stuff. Gross! But no more! I also used a homemade dryer sheet so I am sure that helped as well. It worked beautifuly too! They should teach a class on this stuff in school. People need to know this is not hard to do and it is so much better for you!
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