Little Wife On the Prairie

When you are everything to everyone, well, you had better act like you have it all together.

Monday, January 9, 2012

IT'S A...?

Precious Father we thank you for giving us the blessing of children.  Please make us good stewards of that blessing.  Keep us captivated by these little treasures so that we will never forget how important this time is or how fortunate we are.  Thank you most of all for hearing the prayers of a little girl who desperately wanted a baby sister.  You are truly a God who sees hearts.  


Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the pictures!!! Joli's face is pricless!! Bless her heart. You can really tell how much she wanted a baby sister! She's going to have such fun with her tiny little sister! I'm so excited for you all!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We love you all!!! :) <3 Love Aunt Karen and Uncle Mondie

Unknown said...

Oh this is wonderful news! Congratulations!! I love the pictures....such a memorable moment.

Brandon and April said...

oh my goodness. precious! precious! precious!! Jolie's face is just wonderful. I teared up seeing her tears! :) congratulations!!!

jeana said...

well thanks for making me bawl this morning! SO.VERY.HAPPY.FOR.YOU.